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An Inspired Directions student films a documentary with Mouth that Roars

Lights, camera, action! at the Inspired Directions School

An Inspired Directions student films a documentary with Mouth that RoarsWhilst celebrating a successful Spring term, the students and staff at the Inspired Directions School took the chance to showcase their creative work to the rest of the team.

One of the exciting projects they’ve embarked on this term has involved both producing and starring in their own documentary films. The films explored some important issues that affect young people: judging other people and dealing with judgement, and the peer pressure surrounding smoking. You can take a look for yourself here.

Inspire! were lucky enough to get involved through Mouth that Roars, a not-for-profit organisation that aims to give disadvantaged young people in Hackney opportunities to improve their acting, communication and film-making skills. The project encourages students to produce films which challenge misrepresentation and mainstream opinion, whilst voicing their own opinions and feelings on camera.

Our thanks go out to Denise, who runs the facility, for her unwavering enthusiasm and compassion throughout the project. Not forgetting to mention Bobby, a friendly Staffordshire bull terrier who featured in the films and quickly became a firm companion of our students.

The project was a hit with the students, with one commenting that “I have really enjoyed coming to school this term and I will miss it in a few months when I finish…Projects like Mouth That Roars have helped me feel part of something creative and like I am doing something good.”

The film project is just one of the multiple ongoing programmes we run at the Inspired Directions School which aim to creatively re-engage young people in education. The school offers alternative provision to young people from Hackney and neighbouring boroughs who – for a number of reasons – struggle to access mainstream education. It is a programme of full-time, bespoke education which offers a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for students who have only ever had negative experiences of learning.