Families Create Something out of Nothing at Family Sunday Event
“I got to try many things that I have never done before.” Roqeeb, child
“I enjoyed seeing my children doing activities and helping them.” Latifa, parent
‘Lost and Found – creating something from nothing’ was the theme at the Arcola Theatre Family Sunday organised for local families on Sunday 22 February. This was the first half term event for this year’s cohort of Year 6 pupils taking part in Inspire!’s Families First and Inspired Transitions programmes, designed to build their confidence by facing something new ahead of their move up to Secondary school.
A record 46 children and parents were welcomed with delicious yet nutritious food provided by Arancini Brothers. The families then took part in a series of workshops where they were challenged to make moving puppets from recycled newspaper, constructed hydrogen-powered Lego cars and took part in an immersive theatre space.
Families First is delivered by a consortium of agencies in Hackney and aims to provide support and opportunities for local families. Inspire!’s principal role is to support pupils making the transition from primary to secondary school. Pupils take part in a number of workshops and receive mentoring from local sixth form students from Clapton Girls Academy and BSix Sixth Form College
The Hackney Families First Programme is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the consortium is led by Hackney Council for Voluntary Service(CVS). The other partners are: Claudia Jones Organisation, African Community School, and Day-Mer.
Inspired Transitions is funded by Hackney Council and helps selected pupils through their first year at secondary school with a range of activities and mentoring support from older students at their new school.