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City of London volunteer chooses Inspire!

Congratulations to David Welham from the City of London who has been recognised with a Learning and Development award at the Guildhall ‘for Developing skills through Volunteering’.

David supported our Hackney Real Talk careers fair last year and it clearly made an impact on him. As part of his award, he received £500 to donate to a charity of his choice and we are delighted that he has chosen Inspire! “I took part in the Careers Fair last November and learnt many skills. I want you to be able to use the money to help more youngsters. I also was impressed with the organisation of the Fair and met some lovely people as well.”

Inspire! Director David Blagbrough and Senior Programme Manager Lucy Rafferty recently met David Welham for a ‘thank you’ lunch and received the cheque from him. David Blagbrough told him: “Without the contribution of volunteers like yourself many young people in Hackney would lack the inspiration and motivation to succeed and be denied access to first-hand information about the world of work.

“We are all absolutely thrilled by your decision to select us as your charity and will use the £500 to further extend our work-related learning activity. My plan is to put the money aside for a specific programme and once this has been agreed, I will let you know where it will be taking place in the hope that you, perhaps, might be able to participate in the event.”